Love At First Write

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Questions. Quell. No Quitter.

19th April 2023

Dhruv and Reena wait for Rakesh to finish his virtual meeting so that they could step out for their Saturday dinner. Dhruv is tired of waiting. "When will Dadda's meeting finish? I am bored of waiting...!" he says.
"Kids these days na... Do not have patience at all! You can not sit idle even for 5 minutes na Dhruv? Being able to sit idle is the luxury you are not realizing the worth of, my child!" Reena says in a dramatic tone. " What? May be possible that I don't realize it now! Quite possible that I realize later, like you! By the way, Mumma, how did you feel as a kid to wait?" Dhruv counter-questioned Reena! She was thrown back in time when she used to be cranky when asked to wait. "Mumma... What happened?" Dhruv interrupts her thoughts. "Nothing beta. Let us decide where to go for dinner by the time Papa finishes his meeting."Reena replies.
Dhruv cheekily says, "Mumma, you also hated waiting na?"
Not exactly hated, but... Okay, tomorrow is your football practice also, remember na?" Reena asks.
"Ohh. About that... We lost the interschool tournament. There is no point in practicing!"Dhrus shares in a sad tone.
"That was this year's tournament. You will have one more next year, shouldn't you be preparing for it?" Reena asks positively. "There still is a possibility you may participate and win next year's tournament. If you give up on practicing, you surely are going to lose!"
"You are right Mumma, but it was a very close match. we could have won it. I don't think anyone will be able to get over this loss and appear for practice tomorrow." Dhruv says. "I agree it was a close match. But only after your Sir's message I started this topic. Now, will you go?" Reena asks.
"Sir is conducting the class tomorrow? Then I will go!" says Dhruv in a surprised tone.

Questions from kids can get tricky at times! As a parent, there are times when we have to handle them smartly; So that later they do not become a problem for us. Also, it is important to keep asking questions kids on various topics from time to time. Sometimes, we get to know the truth in their answers.

Sometimes it is important to explain and make them understand. But the rest of the time it becomes necessary to make peace and cut the topic off for the better of both parties. In parenting, this will have to be done multiple times on a regular basis, be prepared for it!

No Quitter.
Kids are naturally motivated beings, they only need a little push, a reminder of doing the right thing, and an assurance that their parents believe in them and their capabilities. No matter what, they can restart and still reach their destination sooner or later!
Note: This post is a part of #Blogchattera2z 2023.



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